Touch and Print

Mobile device has become more important for mobile worker in daily life.TiS Mobile Printing Hub is your best solution to print anytime and anywhere.

It’s easy to connect TiS Mobile Printing Hub to the USB port of PCL compatibles printer, Files on mobile device can be point to point the way through WiFi direct technology transfer to the Mobile Printing Hub, printing is a simple Touch and Print.

Tis Mobile Printing Hub



  • Instructions
  • Installation
  • Review

Release the printing power of your mobile devices

Smartphone and tablet already became important devices for mobile worker in daily life. But the need of printing from smart device hasn’t been fulfilled.

TiS Mobile Printing Hub helps you to release the power of printing from your smart device with easy and intuitive way. Just connect your Mobile Printing Hub to the USB port of PCL compatibles printer or MFP. Printing from your mobile devices is just easy as touch to print. For mobile devices use APP without built-in print support, printing is simple.

  1. Portable pocket size let your printing job more flexible.
  2. Make wireless printing easy for everyone anywhere. With WiFi direct printing, simply connect your mobile device to a printer or MFP in the same way you would discover and connect to a public wireless network.
  3. Walk in and print from your NFC-enabled smartphone or tablet with just touch. NFC, QR code automatically connects and prints for you.
  4. Set up and running fast with easy USB Plug and play.
  5. Keep your network out of it. Both WiFi direct and touch-to-print technologies use a peer-to-peer connection, allowing mobile users to print without accessing the company network.

Advantage of TiS Mobile Printing Hub

  1. Single solution for multiple brand/model printer and MFP :
    Support most PCL compatible printer and MFP regardless brand and model. Now you can do print job without download and use different APP for different printer and MFP
  2. Protect previous investment :
    Existing printers and MFPs may not has network printing capability and may not support mobile printing. Through TiS Mobile Printing Hub, old printer and MFP can continue to serve you with new cutting edge technology.

Enable wireless printing

Through WiFi direct and NFC technology build-in TiS Mobile Printing Hub, you can perform your printing job just Touch to Print. Mobile Printing Hub also enables your printer or MFP as a wireless printer and also enable the entire office to print from smartphones and tablets.

部落客CJay:東友Mobile Printing Hub行動列印盒,手機NFC無線列印文件資料

想要把家裡的老舊印表機改造變成 Wi-Fi 無線印表機嗎?東友科技開發的「Mobile Printing Hub」行動列印盒,安裝超容易,輕輕鬆鬆就可以解決這個想法;以後手機就可以 Wi-Fi 連線印表機進行無線列印,如果是Android 手機還可以透過 NFC 輕觸即可無線列印,超方便!現在就來看看開箱分享。

部落客 硬是要學:Mobile Printing Hub 無線列印盒

無線傳輸的環境越來越成熟,許多過去需要接線才能使用的電子產品都一一無線 化,例如常見的喇叭、耳機與印表機。無線化不但可以減少拉線的問題,產品擺放位置也不再受限於電腦附近,但是傳統設備要升級就沒有那麼簡單了。東友科技針對印表機推出的 Mobile Printing Hub 無線列印盒可讓非無線的印表機變成無線印表機,裝上之後透過手機 APP 就能將檔案傳到無線列印盒直接列印,不用再經過電腦。

KC:【產品評測】讓印表機具有WIFI/NFC供行動裝置連線列印的隨身盒Tis Mobile Printing Hub

近年來,行動智慧裝置己深入我們的生活與工作環境,故行動列印需求也隨之興` 盛。一般要使用行動列印功能,以往會需要有支援 AirPrint 的印表機(或各家印表機廠商提供的 app)、或透過 Google 雲端列印方案等等,大多需要特定 app 與特定印表機才能使用列印服務,且必須有網路連線環境。



Kenzi 智慧型裝置的居家列印好物 -Mobile Printing Hub

隨著智慧型手機普遍,電腦已經非生活必需品了,但偏偏要列印相片或文件時,又得透過電腦跟印表機連線才能列印,這邊要跟大家推薦一個很神奇的列印幫手,就是這台東友出品的Mobile Printing Hub!
